Andra is a public scientific agency, placed under the supervision of the Ministries for Energy, Research and the Environment. Andra's main governance body is the Governing Board. To carry out its responsibilities, Andra's Governing Board is supported by various committees, which, by means of their opinions and deliberations, advise the Board in making its choices and decisions.
Board of Directors
Through its decisions, Andra's Governing Board manages the Agency's affairs with regard to general organisation and operating, the programme of activities, the annual statement of projected income and expenditure, the accounts for each year and the allocation of revenue. The Board oversees the definition and deployment of Andra's strategy, ensuring that the Agency fulfils the missions assigned to it by the French parliament under its four-yearly performance target agreement with the government.
Scientific Council
Andra's Scientific Council was set up under the Act of 30 December 1991. Twelve members sit on the Council, each appointed by ministerial order for a term of five years. The Scientific Council issues opinions on all matters related to Andra's research strategy, scientific programmes and results.
Industrial Committee
Andra's Industrial Committee issues opinions and recommendations to the Governing Board on any matters for which the latter requests information in relation to the activities and industrial projects of the Agency, including the Cigeo project.
The Ethics and Society Committee

The Ethics and Society Committee was set up by a decision made by Andra's Governing Board on 17 December 2015. In setting up a multidisciplinary committee to advise on how to take societal issues into account in all its activities, Andra addresses the demand on the part of civil society to be more involved in how radioactive waste is managed, as demonstrated in the public debate held on the Cigeo project in 2013.