Enresa delegation visits the CI2A
In early June 2023, the Aube facilities welcomed an spanish delegation from Enresa, Andra's counterparts. Victor Rivas, el Cabril's Vice-Director, as well as some other spanish colleagues from different key departments, were welcomed at Andra's facilities in order to hold a technical exchange and visit both Cires and CSA facilities as part of the cooperation agreement between both Agencies.
Andra - Enresa, 37 years of cooperation!
The history of cooperation between Andra and Enresa goes back to the signing of the first cooperation agreement in 1986. Since then, the two agencies have continued to work together on all operations related to radioactive waste management. The latest cooperation agreement was signed in 2020.
As part of this cooperation agreement between Andra and its Spanish counterpart, Enresa, technical exchanges on nuclear waste management and surface disposal facilites were held at the CSA on June 7, 2023. The delegation also visited the Cires and CSA on this occasion, accompanied by our colleagues from the environmental department Rachel Champion-Philippe, Vincent Schneider, Amélie Ardillier and Andra's international cooperation manager, Paola Vilarino Salinas.
Find out more about Enresa
Enresa provides the essential public service for the management of radioactive waste in Spain, including spent nuclear fuel, as well as the dismantling and decommissioning of nuclear facilities.
Enresa has operated and been responsible for the El Cabril storage center in Cordou since 1992, for low- and intermediate-level waste. The center has also had an additional zone for very low-level waste since 2008.