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Publication of the results of the H2020 Euratom call for research projects for 2016-2017

The European Commission has published the results of the 2nd call for R&D projects for 2016-2017 under the Euratom Horizon2020 programme after a review by independent experts. For the management of radioactive waste and more particularly geological disposal, 5 projects were selected, all with the participation of Andra.

Results of 2nd call for R&D projects for 2016-2017

3 projects in which Andra is involved as a partner (lead contractor and/or direct producer of knowledge):

  • THERAMIN – Thermal treatment for radioactive waste minimisation and hazard reduction – concerning thermal treatment processes for radioactive waste (Coordinator: RWM – French partners: Andra, Areva, CEA)
  • CHANCE – Characterization of conditioned nuclear waste for its safe disposal in Europe – concerning the means of monitoring waste packages (Coordinator: Andra – French partners: CEA, KEP NUCLEAR)
  • BEACON – Bentonite Mechanical Evolution – concerning the behaviour and hydromechanical performance of clay-based closure structures, in particular bentonite (Coordinator: SKB – French partners: Andra, CEA)

2 projects in which Andra is involved as the End-User (in other words, the Agency takes part in defining the orientations, monitoring the progress of the works and analysing the results, as the end-user of the knowledge):

  • DISCO – Modern Spent Fuel Dissolution and Chemistry in Failed Container Conditions – concerning the chemical phenomena at work inside the spent fuel disposal vaults (i.e. vitrified waste) (Coordinator: SKB – French partners: CEA, Armines)
  • INSIDER – Improved Nuclear SIte characterization for waste minimization in D&D operations under constrained EnviRonments – concerning the means of characterisation of nuclear installations to minimise radioactive waste (Coordinator: CEA – French partners: EDF, Geovariances, LNE, ONET)

The 3 selected projects concerning the upstream activities of the disposal (THERAMIN, CHANCE and INSIDER) bear witness to the European Commission’s will to make research into geological disposal part of a global vision of the problematic related to radioactive waste. This change, which Andra promoted with the Commission, helps the Agency consolidate its position upstream of disposal, by supporting the waste producers. For Andra, the other two research projects (BEACON and DISCO) contribute to the goal of consolidating knowledge on subjects entailing risks, for the Cigéo construction authorisation application and its assessment.

This is an excellent result for Andra, which took part in 6 projects in the call for projects, highlighting the Agency’s constant efforts to incorporate its own research into a collective European approach.

4 of the 5 projects selected are supported by the IGD-TP platform bringing together all of Andra’s European counterpart Agencies around geological disposal R&D.

IGDTP website