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International cooperation

Public Awareness and Outreach is one of Andra’s key missions entrusted upon it by the Law. Importantly, this mission is not limited to the French territory. Thus, promotion of Agency’s experience has to be carried out both on national and on international levels.

A part of Andra’s global mission to share its experience both nationally and internationally.  Over the years, Andra’s international cooperation intensified through increasing and dense institutional exchanges and also thanks to its foreign business activities based on agreements or commercial contracts, all of which enrich our practical knowledge and enhance our scientific and technical competences. 

Andra’s international activity is based on a number of principles established as a part of the agency’s respective policy, such as: 

  • To consider, to study and to respect national and international programs striving for safe and sustainable radioactive waste management;
  • To observe, analyze and understand the background of underlying strategic choices and decisions implemented in another countries in order to support and feed the Agency’s own reflections, refine our targets and enhance our projects thanks to the experience exchange and feedback;
  • To monitor the consideration of ethical and societal issues in Andra’s international activities;
  • To contribute to the promotion of Andra’s know-how by carefully measuring the scope of each foreign engagement and analyzing each potentially beneficial opportunity – from strategic, scientific, technical and financial points of view. 

A part of the direction for Development, Innovation and International affairs, the International team leads and manages Andra's cooperation with numerous foreign counterparts and carries out continuous monitoring of nationals plans, projects and solutions implemented abroad in the radioactive waste management field. Indeed, it is important to stay aware of the work done by foreign colleagues, to learn and remain attentive to new technologies and innovative solutions explored elsewhere as it can enrich our knowledge and motivate the Agency to consider some other avenues. 

On the other hand, the International Department promotes Andra’s knowhow and experience abroad through various conferences, workshops and other international public and expert events that facilitate information exchange in the nuclear domain.

Thanks to its particular status, Andra can also engage in commercial activity; Hence, the International team actively participates in a number of foreign projects where its expert knowledge can serve the beneficiary to either develop a global waste management policy and strategies, or to design a radioactive waste repository, or yet to characterize a potential host site for a disposal facility.

Aside from commercializing the knowhow transfer by engaging in a mutually beneficial contractual relationship, Andra’s international team plays the intermediary between the Customer and different units of the Agency, depending on the specifics of the project and Andra’s responsibilities.


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