Andra services
With Andra’s know-how covering several domains of nuclear expertise, there are a lot of ways in which a counterpart agency or an industrial enterprise of the nuclear cycle could benefit from our experience.
Andra competences: disposal from A to Z
Andra has gained a wide range of competences by designing, siting, operating its own domestic disposal facilities, and through multiple projects abroad.
Andra has developed a number of business approaches that can be tailored to customers’ needs and special requirements. Depending on the nature of the customer’s establishment, level of experience in the waste management and strategic orientation guided by national policy, Andra’s experts can participate in every phase of your project, from siting and feasibility studies, to licensing and commissioning support, including designing the final cover, drafting monitoring plan and optimizing public acceptance levels. We can provide the expertise you need in the manner best adapted to the national framework and that of your project, and mindful of your legal or management constraints.
Service delivery: adjusted to your needs

Andra proposes an array of consulting methods: we can play a technical support role in a project concerning a radioactive waste repository design and construction; the agency’s safety experts can participate in the developing of a safety case, an Environmental Impact Assessment report, or, on the other hand, review an already drafted document. We can enable a know-how transfer concerning a an R&D programme, a site – or repository-specific inventory compilation, a waste package control procedure or some other element concerning the waste management that Andra has developed, tested, implemented and mastered at one of its facilities.
If training courses or scientific seminars are the knowledge transmission mean that suits you most, Andra will be happy to count you among our clients. Our Training programmes are developed “from-scratch” and adapted to the customer’s level and needs, ranging from “general beginners’” to “advanced specific”, from 2 days to 6 months, either in France on Andra’s facilities, or in the customer’s country on their own premises.
The following types of services proposed by Andra are further presented individually:
- Training and scientific seminars
- Consultancy on Radioactive Waste management issues
- Project development support
- Expertise and review
As a governmental agency based in a European country in the Schengen zone, Andra possesses all necessary legal and administrative references to ensure its eligibility in such projects worldwide.
Its triple quality certification ISO 9001 + 14001 / OHSAS 18001 attests to the high quality of all Andra’s activities and processes and enhances the project team references.
Andra can provide solid references on request, both national (internal) and international, to prove its experience and project management capacity.
Andra solutions and experience For more than 40 years Andra has been responsible for managing all radioactive waste generated in France, mainly by nuclear installations like reactors and nuclear-related facilities.
Andra has developed and demonstrated various concepts and methodologies for a large variety of waste categories, notably for low- and intermediate-level short-lived (LL/IL-SL) and very-low-level (VLL) waste.
These concepts are flexible enough to accommodate new waste types and forms throughout the operation of disposal facilities.