Project development support
An important part of Andra’s international business mission is participation in the project development. It can be a repository design project, siting studies, development of waste acceptance criteria or a reference waste inventory, to name but a few.
Andra typically takes the position of a partner in a consortium or a subcontractor where the task is relatively small. Andra is able to undertake continuous engagement for several months or even years and to guarantee the availability of its experts to fully participate in the project, by attending project progress meetings, working on a specific task or a document or reviewing project deliverables. Most of the time, it is the international department that ensures the coordination of Andra’s participation and the liaison between its experts and the rest of the project team and the final beneficiary, providing organizational assistance, deadline and progress monitoring and quality assurance. Such way of international cooperation is one of the most effective means to share Andra’s experience and to contribute directly to new projects in the radwaste management sphere.
Nuclear safety that translates into operational and post-closure (long-term) safety demonstration is the true know-how of the agency, along with the waste acceptance criteria and operational facility management and monitoring; hence, the projects tasks undertaken by Andra are most often related to those technical or scientific fields.
To date, Andra has taken part in several such projects. To list some examples:
- Near-surface repository technical design for Ignalina NPP, Lithuania
- Deep Geological Repository project, Belgium
- Near-surface repository project design and safety demonstration, South Korea
- Near surface repository, Italy
- Near surface repository (silo), Slovenia
- Dismantling project (and waste management), Bulgaria
- Siting project, Poland