Managing non-electronuclear waste
A building dedicated to the management of non-electronuclear waste
The main purpose of the grouping building is:
- to receive, identify and control the waste collected from non-electronuclear producers (hospitals, pharmaceutical laboratories or other industrial sectors ...)
- to store waste packages, on a short term basis
- to package waste
- to transfer waste to treatment and processing facilities before disposal or to temporary storage - for long-lived radioactive waste pending a definitive management solution
Inside this building, the waste is placed into different sectors according to their physical and chemical characteristics. As soon as the volume in a particular sector is sufficient, the waste is oriented elsewhere for treatment, conditioning (incineration, for example), disposal (at Cires or at the CSA for low-level waste) or temporary storage for waste pending the creation of a disposal facility.
In 2016, 2,668 packages of radioactive waste were received at the grouping building, for a volume of 228 m3.
1,590 packages of waste present in this building were transferred to another facility for treatment, storage or disposal.
Sorting and Processing building for non-electronuclear waste
Some waste grouped at Cires is transferred to the adjoining facility dedicated to sorting and treatment / processing. This facility provides the following :
- Treatment of scintillation vials
- Crushing
- Separation of solids and liquids
- Cementation of solids
- Liquid waste treatment
- Physico-chemical tests on liquid mixtures
- Blending of liquid waste by family (solvents, oily, aqueous)
- Solid Waste Treatment
- X-ray solid waste package controls
- Reconditioning non-compliant packages
- Dismantling lightning rod heads (coming soon)