Training and scientific seminars
Andra solutions proposed by Andra are tailored to your need, and are designed to optimize the know-how transfer to your teams.
Andra currently provides the following training sessions upon request:
- Introduction to waste management ( 5 days including Andra site visits)
- Waste acceptance criteria (3 days )
- Disposal facility operation and maintenance (1 week)
- Disposal facility planning and design (1 week)
- Environmental monitoring (3 days)
- Safety case (1 week)
- Waste package route – acceptance, quality control, delivery and disposal planning (2 days)
- Waste management framework – national policy, waste inventory, waste management plan (3 days)
- Underground laboratory design and operation (5 days including visit)
- Underground laboratory experiment and testing planning and implementation ( 3 days with visit)
- Non – electronuclear waste management ( 3 days including visit)
It is possible to adapt the duration and the contents to the needs of the client.
The size of the group determines certain aspects of the training organization and while there is no specific restriction, this knowledge is needed well in advance to provide for adequate premises and training support. Should the subject of your interest be different from those listed above, please contact us to check the possibility of a customized training.
Scientific seminars
The seminar format is convenient when an extensive expert – to – expert exchange is necessary and when the client has clearly identified the topic of interest, usually a quite specific and technical or scientific issue which requires clarification or information update.
A seminar usually lasts for 1-2 days and can reunite specialists from various fields of expertise to discuss a given topic and to answer questions.
Internships and “In-field” training
To gain in operational experience, Andra proposes an in-field internship format, where a trainee follows Andra’s team on a daily basis and participates in their professional activity – meetings, site visits, task realization and other. Additional explanations are provided throughout by the support staff or by the training supervisor. Such internships can last from 2 weeks to 1 year, depending on the final objective and on the mutual availability of the parties to carry out such immersion training as this particular formula requires extensive preparation and a particular organization all along the training.
Similarly, Andra hosts PhD students, French and foreign, to conduct research on relation with its missions
Andra’s references
Andra’s Training Sessions have already served to hundreds of nuclear graduates, young engineers or experienced heads of waste management divisions to enrich their knowledge, to learn best practice, to obtain industry-specific information. Since 2009, Andra has organized and implemented multiple training sessions for representatives of counterpart agencies of different countries such as South Korea, Russia, Belgium, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Often, it is on the request of the IAEA that Andra had the opportunity to provide various training modules, for instance to Malaysia (management of non-nuclear waste), Jordan (security / radioprotection, cybersecurity), Pakistan (disposal facility licensing and operation), Ukraine (Waste acceptance criteria), China (underground research laboratory testing plan).