Managing a complex inventory
As part of its mission of general interest, Andra is also responsible for periodically identifying all radioactive materials and waste present on French territory and for forecasting their production in the future.

The National Inventory legal framework
The law of 28 June 2006, now codified in the Environmental Code, provides for Andra to update annually and publish this information every three years in the form of the present "National Inventory of Radioactive Materials and Waste". Its strives to provide as complete and comprehensive a view as possible of the nature, quantity and location of all radioactive materials and waste.

How it works
Each waste owner and producer is required by law to declare its waste inventory (every year) and forecast (every 3 year), using a web platform developed by Andra.

Projected inventories
Projected inventories give the estimated quantities of radioactive materials and waste that will be generated by existing nuclear facilities up to dismantling. They are drawn up on the basis of different scenarios in order to present the impact of different strategies and possible changes in France's energy policy in the long term.