International consultancy
Unrivaled competences and know-how from over 40 years of domestic experience for your project, big or small.
Andra services
With Andra’s know-how covering several domains of nuclear expertise, there are a lot of ways in which a counterpart agency or an industrial enterprise of the nuclear cycle could benefit from our experience.

Consultancy on Radioactive Waste management issues
In view of the scope of Andra’s activities in France (sole waste management agency), we can bring forward the adequate profiles for carrying out consultancy work on the related subjects such as waste management strategy, Waste Management Organization set-up, waste inventory, waste management plan, given waste stream project management.
Project development support
An important part of Andra’s international business mission is participation in the project development. It can be a repository design project, siting studies, development of waste acceptance criteria or a reference waste inventory, to name but a few.

Training and scientific seminars
Andra solutions proposed by Andra are tailored to your need, and are designed to optimize the know-how transfer to your teams.