Documents and visual ressources
Andra publications
Andra publishes and makes available to the public many editions about its activities, facilities, research on waste disposal, radioactivity, industrial practices, etc.
These editions are free and are available as PDF or PowerPoint downloads.

Industrial center for the reversible deep geological disposal of radioactive waste in the Meuse/Haute-marne area

Comprehensive information on managing radioactive waste and Andra activities

2023 Essentials of the National Inventory of Radioactive Material and Waste

Based in Meuse and Haute-Marne districts in France for more than 25 years, Andra is preparing the development of Cigéo.

2019 will have been a pivotal year for Andra, with important project deadlines approaching, such as the application for the Declaration of Public Utility (DUP) and the Construction L
At the request of French authorities, specifically the Ministre de la Transition écologique et solidaire (the “Ministry”), the International Atomic Energy Agency organized an ARTEMIS review of the

At the request of the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), the IAEA convened from 6 to 15 November 2016 a team of international experts to review the Safety Options Dossier of the Cigéo Project.

Reversibility is the ability to leave future generations options regarding long-term management of radioactive waste, including sealing off disposal structures or retrieving waste packages.
This document describes the Andra facilities in Meuse - Haute Marne, details their objectives as a scientific and technological research
Dossier 2005 Andra research on the geological disposal of high-level long-lived radioactive waste

The Dossier 2005 Argile submitted to the French authorities consists of five reference knowledge documents containing all data currently available on respectively the geological medium and the bios
Dossier 2005 Argile Synthesis - Evaluation of the feasibility of a geological repository in an argillaceous formation
Dossier 2005 Argile Tome - Architecture and management of a geological repository
Dossier 2005 Argile Tome - Phenomenological evolution of a geological repository
Dossier 2005 Granite Synthesis - Assets of granite formations for deep geological disposal
Dossier 2005 Granite Tome - Architecture and management of a geological repository
Dossier 2005 Granite Tome - Phenomenological evolution of a geological repository
Since 1991 and its creation, Andra has been carrying out the research linked to the management of high
The drafting of a proposed Operations Master Plan (PDE) for Cigeo was decided by Andra's Governing

At the start of 2023, Andra submitted its construction licence application (DAC) for the Cigeo project, the deep geological disposal facility for the most highly radioactive waste.

2023 Essentials of the National Inventory of Radioactive Material and Waste