New "Cigéo, dessus / dessous " exhibition
Inaugurated on Wednesday April 24, 2024 at the Meuse/Haute-Marne Center, the new 700 m2 exhibition presents the journey of radioactive waste packages, from production to disposal in Cigéo. Using models, projections and animations, it explains the architecture and operation of Cigéo, from the surface buildings (above ground) to the underground disposal galleries (below ground).
This new permanent exhibition, presented at the Espace technologique de Saudron, gives an overview of the future disposal facility: from the origin of the high-level waste (HLW) and long-lived intermediate-level waste (ILW-LL), to the inspection and preparation of the disposal packages, right through to their installation in the underground Cigéo facility. Each major stage is represented by 1/16 scale models.
Dominique Mer, Head of Communication and Dialogue Department at Andra, explains: "This is a very attractive, colorful exhibition, accessible to all audiences, including the very young. The models invite visitors to immerse themselves in the Cigéo project, from the reception of the waste packages to their disposal at a depth of 500 meters in clay rock. A large fresco highlights the local geology. A play of lights illuminates the space dedicated to transmitting the memory of the future disposal center."
Public information, dialogue and the dissemination of scientific culture are all part of Andra's mission. Every year, the Meuse/Haute-Marne center receives between 8,000 and 10,000 visitors, who come to find out more about the Cigéo project, or to keep abreast of its progress. The "Cigéo, dessus/dessus" (Cigéo, above and below) exhibition is a complementary tool in the visitor's itinerary, providing an overview of Cigéo from every angle.

Visit "Cigéo, dessus/dessous" exhibition!
The exhibition is open to the public without prior reservation on weekend afternoons until the end of November. Guided tours at 2.30pm and 4.15pm.
For guided tours during the week, please contact the Communication Department by e-mail: