Key figures
- Prior to construction, Cigeo will create several hundred jobs during its preliminary development (works supervision, equipment operation, electrical engineering, concrete framework, plumbing, energy engineering, mechanical engineering, quality control, etc.).
- In the initial construction phase (2022-2030), the project will create, depending on the period, between 1,000 and 2,000 jobs, first in the building and civil engineering sector, then in equipment (electricians, wirers, etc.).
- Later, during the centre’s operational phase, beginning in 2030, it will stabilise at around 600 long-term positions.
- In addition, the project will create induced jobs in restaurants, local shops, accommodation, etc.
Did you know ?
There are currently 360 people employed at Andra’s Meuse/Haute-Marne Centre, including 160 who work directly for Andra.
Nuclear convoys
The vast majority of waste packages will be transported to Cigeo by rail.
When the facility first goes into operation, it is estimated there will be around five trains per year, increasing to between 10 and 20 per year through the industrial pilot phase. Thereafter, the number will increase (during the regular operating phase) to a reach, at maximum, an average of about 5 trains per month.
Waste packages from Valduc will be transported to Cigeo by road. It is estimated there will be a little more than a hundred truckloads in total.
The underground facility

• 270 km of galleries and cells
• Depth of 500 meters
Surface facilities

• Approx. 550 hectares
• 280 hectares for the ramp zone
• 270 hectares for the shaft zone, including 180 hectares for slopes
Water requirements
During the construction phase, there must be enough available drinking water to meet a maximum demand of 500 m3 per day. This covers the requirements of workers at the site (catering, sanitation facilities, etc.) as well as the worksite (water for making concrete, reserves for fighting fires, etc.).
In the operational phase, the requirement for drinking water is estimated to be an average of 200 m3 per day.
Electricity requirements
- During 2031-2036, Cigeo's electricity needs are estimated at an average of 724 megawatt hours per day (equivalent to the average consumption of approximately 56,000 three-person households in France during one day).
- During 2102-2146, Cigeo's electricity needs are estimated at an average of 822 megawatt hours per day (equivalent to the average consumption of more than 63,000 three-person households in France during one day).
Equipment requirements
the total volume of concrete required over the Cigeo’s entire lifetime would be on the order of 6 million m3;
the total quantity of cement consumed would be about 2.25 million tonnes;
the total quantity of sand consumed would be 3.4 million tonnes;
the total quantity of gravel consumed would be 4.4 million tonnes;
the total quantity of steel consumed would be more than 200 000 tonnes.
Of which, for the preliminary development and construction phases:
1.4 million m3 of concrete
550,000 tonnes of cement
1 million tonnes of sand
1.2 million tonnes of gravel
106,000 tonnes of steel